Friday, June 25, 2010

Writing is Simple

Hmmm, I thought. That’s not quite me. Although the advice to read good literature, in particular Samuel Clemmons, struck me as sound, the last bit from Mr. Hemingway raked across my psyche. Was it in the vein of never let them see you sweat, or pretend to be a con? Move on, I told myself.

I bid good-by to Mr. Hemingway and his cats and set off at a brisk pace through the passageway until I came to two tunnels, one branching off the other. What was the advice Emily Dickinson gave me weeks before? Bear to the left to find other writers. Yes, that was it. Left was right. It seemed, however, this route led downhill on a steep slant. I could turn back, or take the other path, but where would that get me? No more writers to visit. No more secrets from the masters. Nothing to do but go further into the maze in my quest.

The steep part soon leveled out and began a meandering curve to the right. After walking for half an hour in the dim glow of the passageway I saw a bright light glowing from the wall. I wondered who I’d find. I quickened my pace until I stood before the opening in amazement.

The gentleman sat in a leather chair, eyes nearly closed. He wore a black suit with a waistcoat. His wavy dark brown hair was slightly out of place and longer than I expected. The expression on his face was serene with the corners of his mouth hinting at a smile.

I didn’t want to disturb him, but I couldn’t help myself. Chances like this didn’t come often. I cleared my throat. “Excuse me Mr. Dodgson.”

He roused himself, smiled and said, “Most people don’t call me than anymore.”

“Would you prefer I call you Mr. Carroll?”

“If you’re going to use the Dodgson, then you should use Charles as well. Now, who might you be?

Are you lost, or do you need some other kind of help?”

I introduced myself and said, “I’m a writer and I’ve already met all sorts of other interesting writers in this rabbit hole. I’m asking them questions to help me with my writing.”

“You’re sure you don’t want to know about my inventions?”

“I would, but let’s tackle writing first. Tell me how you write a story. For instance, how did you write Alice in Wonderland?”

“Very simple,” he said. Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.”

Here’s the link to my web page: .
Until next time, that’s it from The Storyman ….

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